Around Nieigles, Pont de Labeaume

Around Nieigles, Pont de Labeaume

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During this walk you will discover Pont-de-Labeaume and its hamlets. Enchanted point of views and undergrowth will seduce you.

This loop from the Pont de Labeaume village centre will takes you to the Nieigles hamlet, first by a small road then a little track in the chestnut wood. Fantastic view on the terracing basalt flows. Stride along the protected Nieigles hamlet and go under the ancient chestnut grove. A hike where nature will enthrall you. It is possible to make a cultural pause at the roman church of Nieigles.

3 points of interest

  • Historical and religious heritage


    This Gallo Roman milestone on the Helvii path (Antonin le Pieux’s track) date back to 306-307. There is a slab that translates the writings. The town is situated at the junction of the ancient roman paths that one takes to Gergovie, the other in Aquitaine.

  • Geology

    Basalt flow

    Nearly situated at the confluence of three valleys, the Pont-de-Labeaume site is an important geological attraction on a reduced surface: The valley morphology is clear by the basalt flows superposition.

  • Historical and religious heritage

    Notre-Dame de Nieigles

    The oldest part is from the 11th century. At the 16th century, it was composed of 5 chapels. The roman steeple belfry was built in the 17th century. The black virgin statue in solid wood is now exposed at Pont-de-Labeaume church.


Departure point from the hikes info board on the beach parking area.

  1. PoteauFollow the “Col de Sétias 3.5km / Chirols 7.6km” panel. Reach the RN102, take right and carefully walk along it for approximately 100m. Take right and cross the bridge that span the Ardèche.
  2. At the end of the bridge, take left in Chirols Poteaudirection to Pourtalou.
  3. You are now in Pourtalou, follow the “Col de Sétias 2.9km / Chirols 7km” panel. Follow the road on 200m and take the little stairs on the left. Walk along the holm oaks wood, they are an essence feature from the south slopes.
  4. PoteauYou are at “Le Goux”, follow the “Col de Sétias 2.1km / Chirols 7km” panel. Continue the track observing the terraces or “faïsses” once used for agriculture production. Nice view on the basalt flows.
  5. Arriving on the paved road, climb up to the Bidet hamlet. Take the track on the right, pass under the farm and continue on the plantades path.
  6. PoteauYou are at Sétias col, follow the “Pont-de-Labeaume 4.3km / Lalevade 5.1km” panel. Follow the way to Sétias hamlet.
  7. PoteauYou are in Sétias, follow the “Pont-de-Labeaume 3.9km” panel. Continue by the road and at the first junction, take left then take the track on the right to Leyronnac hamlet.
  8. PoteauYou are now in Leyronnac : Follow the “Pont-de-Labeaume 3.2km” panel. Follow the road on 30m and take the track that goes down on the left. Cross the very nice Nieigles hamlet that overhang the Ardèche valley. Go to the roman church that you can visit.
  9. Go carefully down the path to reach the road then follow the track below to reach your starting point.
  • Departure : Beach parking area
  • Arrival : Beach parking area
  • Towns crossed : PONT-DE-LABEAUME and VALS-LES-BAINS


Altimetric profile


The loop is delineated by yellow and white painting.

Information desks

Tourism Office

2 place du Bosquet, Neyrac les Bains, 07380 Meyras


Access and parking

From Aubenas, take the N102 in Thueyts direction. From Thueyts, take the N102 in Aubenas direction. In the centre of Pont-de-Labeaume you will find the parking area at the river’s edge, starting point of the walk.

Parking :

Beach parking area.

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