Discover Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Chalias

Discover Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Chalias

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This loop which begin in the village centre of Montpezat-sous-bauzon, makes you scale the heights and discover a fabulous panorama marked by an ancient volcanic activity. (5 volcanoes)

Montpezat-sous-Bauzon is a village rich in history, located in a valley at the entrance of the Ardèche mountains. You will travel protected paths. During this walk discover the Chalias and Plantades hamlets and the cultural wealth of Montpezat village (Priory, chapel, church, castle, rose garden…).

1 point of interest

  • Historical and religious heritage

    Clastres priory

    It was first the monk’s residence (clastre = enclosed place), it became the church prior’s home. It has been converted in a hospital – hospice around 1895, and then used as a farm with the church as an outhouse.


  1. Departure point from the hikes info board on the post square. Reach the principal street by walking through the village houses (vaulted passage) and go up to Montpezat hostel.
  2. Take the road on the right, in Chalias direction. Cross the bridge and pass at the foot of the hamlet.
  3. Go higher than Chalias hamlet, cross the bridge and go through the chestnut grove by the calade. Ford the stream, continue to climb up and cross the livestock parc. Thank you to close well the gates.
  4. PoteauArrived « Aux Champs » follow « Montpezat 4.6km » panel. From there, you can admire a nice panorama on the Fontaulière valley, the Pourcheyrolles castle, the hydroelectric power station as well as the Gravenne volcanoe. Go down the stony path and enter in the chestnut grove.
  5. PoteauYou are now at « Aux Plantades » follow « Montpezat 3.2km » panel. Get out the chestnut grove and reach the Plantades hamlet. Pass under the vault and continue by the road.
  6. In the hairpin turn, go down the track to the sheepfold then reach back the road and pass under the cimetery and the Notre-Dame de Prévenchères church (12th century).
  7. Reach the village by crossing the campsite and climbing up the Pourseille stream. Then walk along the gymnasium and the secondary school to reach the village centre. 
  • Departure : Post square
  • Arrival : Post square
  • Towns crossed : MONTPEZAT-SOUS-BAUZON


Altimetric profile


The loop is delineated by yellow and white painting.

Information desks

Tourism Office

2 place du Bosquet, Neyrac les Bains, 07380 Meyras


Access and parking

From Aubenas, take the N102 to Pont de Labeaume. At the exit of the village take right the D536 then St Cirgues en Montagne direction.

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