Ray-Pic waterfall

Ray-Pic waterfall

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The Ray-Pic waterfall holds a very important place in the Monts d'Ardèche Natural Regional Park. From its two belvederes, the visitors always feel its magic.
The main drop of the Ray-Pic waterfall is stunning. With a plunge of 45 m, the water seems accompanied by a moving basalt spray, like a second cascade of hexagonal rocks. The black of the stone enhances the white of the foam. This beautiful site is home to one of the rare Ardèche waterfalls running all year round. Two belvederes overlook the waterfall, allowing you to discover it from all angles.  The geological history of this columnar basalt is also amazing. It is the story of a volcano falling asleep and a waterfall waking up... You will discover this history in the information area, at the start of the path that leads to the two belvederes. There you will learn, among other things, that the basalt flow from the Ray-Pic volcano is one of the longest in Europe : 21 km from Pont-de-Labeaume ! If you feel like it, you can go along the Fontaulière and the Bourges to spot the columnar basalt that in places shrouds them in black. To follow these rivers is to go up in water and in time.

1 point of interest

  • Geology

    Ray pic waterfall

    Situated at about 1000 metres altitude on Péreyres town in the Ardèche Cevennes, the Ray pic waterfall is a natural cascade that gushes in the middle of the basalt flows. The waterfall is a classified natural volcanic site since 1931. Swimming strictly prohibited. 


The path, very well marked and safe, will take you to three belvederes with impressive views on the gorge and the waterfall.
  1. First, take the path on your right after the information area.
  2. After a short walk uphill, a first viewpoint on the Fialouse cup will give you an overall idea of the site (La Roche belvedere). Take the path again, it now goes downhill into woods towards the waterfall.
  3. Then you can choose between the cascade belvedere (straight ahead) that will take you higher and offers a side view of the waterfall, or the gorge belvedere on your left, lower  but with a broader view of the site. We recommend that you follow this order. Once at the last belvedere, retrace your steps.
  • Departure : Ray-Pic information area on the road D215 at Péreyres. The path starts behind the site facilities.
  • Towns crossed : PEREYRES


Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
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Access and parking

On the road D215 at Péreyres

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